Yeah, neither am I.
[and now I shall go dream of the Devil, for it is All Hallows' Eve...]
I've just booked another ticket to go see the Fugees in London on the 25th of November. Melker said to me earlier today she and Ellie will be going to that show as the December one is sold out. So I will have company. Very cool. Plus it's a Friday so hopefully I can stay at Mel's () and do some other stuff on Saturday. Like meeting up with Ian - now there's an idea! *texts Ian*
Yeah and then there's the December gig (sold out?), for which I have 2 tickets. Hopefully squiZZ will actually come with me. And if not, then maybe one of the London gang will. Failing that I can always sell the spare ticket and go on my own. Orrr I might hate The Fugees by then and not wanna go ever again and sell both tickets... (mhm yeah I know, that's unlikely to happen! Wyclef
! Lauryn
Thursday I am meeting Elena and Kate in London. Uni friends. Elena (she's greek and lives in Greece...) has come up to see her sister who's studying here, but she's also thinking about moving back here (here = UK, not Brighton) along with her boyfriend Vasili... we shall see what becomes of that. Anyway should be fun to meet up with them again. Tho it will be a bit of a hassle (racing up to London after work & all that), but then isn't that what makes life interesting!? Quite.
Today I/we got a bollocking at work (this is what the title is sorta referring to). Quite interesting actually, the whole thing, from a self-analysis point of view, therefore I'll share it with you (lucky you, haha).
Just before hometime on Friday Ann-Louise (my best friend & mentor @ work) asked me if I could confirm to an Italian user that we cannot reset a password for her unless we have an authentication profile for her or someone who will vouch for her (yeah our job is that exciting!). I agreed without hesitation, even tho I was pretty sure we actually CAN by finding alternative ways of authentication.
So A-L transferred the user to me, and I backed her up, even tho I kinda knew it was wrong. I did this because this to me seemed the "right" thing to do (i.e. backing A-L was more important to me than following procedures). If I had spoken to the user first I would've used the alternative way (however, I must point out, a lot of what ALL OF US do & say is very subjective: if someone is nice to us, we will help them get around the procedures by making a personal effort or by invoking favours. if someone's being a right moron we'll make sure they suffer).
So anyway. The userbitch complained, and we both got a bollocking - A-L because she was genuinely convinced she was following the procedures (tho she also twists the rules when it suits her, or when she's not speaking English, because then it's easier - I do that too lol), and me because I chose to repeat something I knew was wrong rather than contradicting A-L (& making her look like an idiot in front of the user).
And guess what? I would do it again. Because my friend is more important to me than boring Amex procedures that IBM have agreed to follow. I can't identify with either anyway. I guess I have no work ethic, heehee. Apparently there won't be a disciplinary this time - lucky us. There have been a few recently. Tyrants. Can't wait to ask for my part time. Heh.
No reply from Ian btw. I guess I'mma go to bed soon.
I love Michael Jackson 'n' all.
Ouch @ the job thing. I'd have at least tried to pretend like - ooooh, wait! - surprise, surprise, there is a solution, but only for you, lucky user.
Ah, cool. Give my regards to Elena and Kate, would you? Been a while since we met, particularly the former.
Posted by: Charlie Williams on Tue November 1, 2005 at 10:38>>(she's greek and lives in Greece...)
That sucks @ work. I hate stuff like that, it makes you hate the place even more.
Posted by: The BML on Tue November 1, 2005 at 18:40lol @ Michelle, yeah but I couldn't have since Ann-Louise was next to me.
Will do @ Charlie.
@ BML, why duh? As opposed to Natali for instance, who's greek and lives in Manchester.
It just... sounded funny.
I'll leave now.
Posted by: The BML on Tue November 1, 2005 at 23:07