Today I did various things.
And you shall have pictures.
They're not chronological. More like, thematic.
J got me green jellybeans for my birthday (and before at some point too) and I've always wanted to do something pretty with them (yes I know you're supposed to eat them but then the greenness is lost isn't it...)
Okay. Next thing. Monday is Halloween (spelling it Hallowe'en may be more correct, but it looks pretentious to me). I said I'll dress slightly halloweenish. Jimmy said he wanted pics. I said if I felt like it. He said something threatening like "you better feel like it ". So because it's unlikely I'll have the time on Monday morning to take lots of pics (after spending a half hour or so actually getting all made up) I decided to just dress up & take pics today.
And that's it. Hope you had fun lol.
LOL - love the Hallowe'en gear! Wow @ necklace!! The birds are only flying South now? LOL (I take it that's what they're doing in pics.)
LMAO - cuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!
Liking the table. Very um... grown up, to have a table and all. Yes indeed. *looks at bed on which eats dinner and lives* Yessss... well done on that.
Um, yeah.
Are you really go'n dress like that for Halloween, like at work?
Posted by: The BML on Sat October 29, 2005 at 21:44Yeah I am. You think it will be a problem? I asked Alison HR person & she said it's ok (she doesn't know about the dress tho I must admit).
I only need the table for drawing/painting/creating. Not for boring stuff like eating.
I make a very good jar for sweets.
I just realised (have seen before) that guy in the coffin looks like he needs to pee.
lol @ "very grown up" with table with colourful modelling clay
I love you btw. (am ill again and might die soon so thought I'd make sure I tell you before that happens)
Posted by: JarJar on Sat October 29, 2005 at 23:32 @ Jar for sweets. How extremely cute!
@ needing to pee. Ja I see what you mean. But he's meant to be lying in a... serene way.
You are NOT allowed to die!!!
And/because I love you too!
(but also generally not allowed to die)
>>I just realised (have seen before) that guy in the coffin looks like he needs to pee
He does, come to think of it...
Interesting @ work. I can't believe they let you do that, that is SO cool. I think the most anyone ever does in our place is wear some witch earrings. And even then they're stretching it. Is everyone else in your team going all out, like?
I want to work where you do! *applies*
Posted by: The BML on Sun October 30, 2005 at 8:28The modelling clay thing looks cool!
Oh God, and weren't you scared of the bird flu??? It's gonna kill us all, don't you know!!??
lol @ BML, you've got me worried now. We DO actually have quite a strict dress code. Is it just the jewellery that bothers you?
@ Michelle, hadn't thought of that! I'm gonna DIIIIEEE!!
LOL @ strict dress code. Well, as long as the line manager thinks it's ok. It doesn't matter what HR or anyone say, it's your line manager that sets the rules etc. I would definitely approve though!
No, not the jewellery, the clothes!
Or maybe just the fact that it's you.
God I wish we could dress like that.
Posted by: The BML on Sun October 30, 2005 at 18:12lol @ all of Sinead's deep insights.
Fuck off @ BML.
Posted by: Clarissa on Sun October 30, 2005 at 18:24LMAO!
I actually just came on here to post "fuck off" and then I saw that.
We're cool.
Me more so.
*fucks off*
Posted by: The BML on Sun October 30, 2005 at 22:13