Shall I try to become squiZZobsessed again? (since he will be back in the UK soon)
It was kinda fun... most/some of the time. Or wasn't it.
(lol I bet most of you will say nooooooo)
Yeah, do it.
Posted by: Michelle on Sun October 23, 2005 at 11:53LOL @ squizzobsessed!
It was kinda funny! ...some of the time.
I'm mainly interested in my own fun here, not other people's.
If thats the case, then I say NOOOOOOO
Posted by: Vega on Mon October 24, 2005 at 15:02Whatever makes you happy...
Posted by: d on Mon October 24, 2005 at 15:14I think I've decided against it.
Besides I doubt the "deliberate re-obsessing" would work anyway.
Ah, just see when you re-meet him.
Hm interesting. Would that automatically trigger a re-obsession?
Doubt it tbh. Only MJ has that effect on me
Ah yes was gonna do an update on that actually...
repeat to self: squiZZle is not a topic of conversation.
Posted by: squiZZle on Sat October 29, 2005 at 3:20