Photo overload as usual - incl. lots of useless links.
I could swear the photos weren't there when I look here last night. Are you dating your entries back?? Anyway, lovely pics.
Oh, I love the Leipzig pictures. My Leipzig! And that Hundertwasser buildung rules!
Ooh yes I forgot to change the date. I started the entry last night.
Hehe @ Leipzig.
The house is cool uh?
My Hundertwasser!
It looks like fun!
I like the Mozart organ, Bugs Bunny, and your very red hair.
Welcome Home.
Posted by: jimmy on Fri October 21, 2005 at 15:15Damn, I should have known about your love for Hundertwasser. Round the corner of the "Spizz" there's another place called "Café Hundertwasser". You would have liked that, too.
Posted by: Michelle on Fri October 21, 2005 at 15:52
Does it have Hundertwasser stuff?
Thanks Jimmy
Yeah, it does. And nice Sunday brunch.
Hehe, maybe next time.
@ nice brunch.
Oh well
Fuck me that place looks gorgeous!!!!!
Ahhh, me J. S. Bach. Love 'im. You got to see some really cool things.
LOL @ the only picture of Katja I've ever seen and I can't even see her properly! Cute.
[ Will come back later to really gawk at these pictures LOL - but must dash now. ]
YOUR Bach???
I don't think so! Mine!
cool eyoo!!
Michelle! what happened? you look smaller~
theses pictures are great but me don't understand when you and Michelle became friends again?
Sorry - I have been too busy tracking down ruthless assassins in Lebenon and translating medical terms from my little flat in MPLS.
I work for a German company now :)
Posted by: Kal on Sat October 22, 2005 at 9:38Hi Kal! You've not linked your blog for once?
Michelle and I found back together a while ago, it was a gradual process.
Hope you're having fun your side of the world.
LOL soz, I said "me Bach" without thinking. It was a subconscious thing. ....Can we share him?
Looking at pics again, and LUVVING the buildings!!
Posted by: Woods on Sat October 22, 2005 at 16:48Are you ACTUALLY a fan?
No, I wouldn't go that far. Not an expert on him, but I do know I like his music.