I am guessing it's the CPU fan or something, but it sounds hella weird! Better put some music on so I can't hear it no longer.
So I am in Mainz. With Katja and Tobias. They have gone to bed (as Tobias has to work tomorrow, hehehehehe), but they have kindly allowed me to use one of their PCs for onlineness. So after checking my regular sites I thought I'd do a quick (or not so quick) update. They have WLAN too but Tobias has not got round (or couldn't be bothered) to set up my Tommy for it, so I'll have to get used to the German keyboard.
So first off, a few more words about Leipzig (only words - pics will follow). To summarize it, I had a really good time! Some of you will know I had not seen (or indeed spoken to ) Michelle in quite a while, so the trip could've been quite scary or awkward; but it wasn't either, at all. We obviously had a lot of catching up to do, which kept us busy during the day and awake at night, and it was great to just talk again. Also, she listened to me whinge (I'd warned her beforehand, hehe) and gave me some good advice (incl. some verbal kicks in the butt... now let's see if they motivate me). I am definitely hoping to repeat the experience soon - hopefully she can come see me in Brighton!
And if not there's always Dresden or Munich.
Apart from that, I'd never been to Leipzig before (or anywhere in East Germany really, except when I helped Katja move), so there was a lot to see, and Michelle showed me the lot (she ran all over town for me, poor thing). And then as you know (if you read this thing attentively, as well you should), Anne came down on Saturday to spend the day with us, which was fab too! I'd only met her once before, at the demo in Dec. 2003, where we fled to Burger King (I believe I offended Mel back then by saying I felt weird at the demo). Anne's very cool, and meeting her again was great, and I have lots of pics I can post of her (unless she pays up..
So much about Leipzig. I left Michelle at 14.17 on Sunday (or something like that) to get on a train where my beloved Katja (klammer!!! ) was waiting (she'd been visiting her family in the meantime). We did some catching up too (less of it since we speak fairly regularly these days), some general chatting/giggling, and some sleeping (oh I needed it! Michelle had been great at keeping me awake until late!
); and we got to Mainz at some point.
Which is where I am now. It's been a while too - I last came to see K&T just before I moved to Brighton (so almost 2 years ago) & they have moved house since. Their new place is very cool, as was their old one - just very "them". I always feel safe with them (may freak them out a little here, but then again they do know I'm weird ). Katja and I went to Darmstadt today, mainly cuz it has a sexy Hundertwasserhaus, but we went other places too, like the Mathildenhöhe. Apart from that we've mainly watched DVDs (Coupling, Arsenic & Old Lace, H2G2) and played PS2 (Tekken, Mortal Kombat, Burnout). My left thumb hurts.
It's known as "the playstation blister" lol.
Oh yeah and then tonight I read up on what I have been missing MJ-wise, all the stuff that's going on in London (which is where I am not, because I chose to be here), and well, I don't regret my choice. Fans resenting other fans, fans bitching about each other (check this out if you want a taste of it) - I don't want to be part of that, at least not at all costs, and not now. Can't-be-bothered.
Seeing him again last week was amazing, something I never would have hoped for so soon (if ever!), and I feel incredibly grateful for that experience. I was reminded of how much he still means to me, and that this is unlikely to ever change. (and I never ever want it to!) But I am glad I chose Germany over London. It was definitely the right thing to do (and that means a lot from me who is always so depressingly negative)!
I am doing good!
I'm glad that you're having such a fabulous time. I picked up on the fact that you were nervous about Michelle again. Glad it was cool, you guys obviously picked up from where you left off *wishes there was a "yeeah" smiley*
I can't wait to see the pictures *taps feet and glares* Woo hoo for cool relaxing holidays and being with friends.
Meh, I'm not suprised about the whole MJ politics crap. I've been put off MJ trips by "you know who". Which is sad. But what matters to you is your exciting experience, which sounded like hell of a lot of fun
I'm glad I held off going to bed for this. It was fun to read.
Aye @ MJfanpolitics, scary how they seem to have (re)surfaced so violently just now... hm, I guess it's just very natural.
PS what does a "yeah" smiley do?
The check is in the mail.
Was a lot of fun meeting again. Hope any of these places you mentioned materialise one day. As for that demo in 2003, it most. def. felt weird. Didn't we feel slightly embarrassed, too? hehe
Posted by: Anne on Tue October 18, 2005 at 6:35We did
Wee, damn, I haven't been around to read your entry earlier. Busy, busy, busy. BTW I think you didn't whinge that much. You should have more.
I was happy to meet you again, too. And I was not really nervous about meeting you at all. I think a lot of time has passed and a lot has changed, but I still like you as much as I always did.
And check this one out:
Posted by: Michelle on Tue October 18, 2005 at 18:58No I wasn't really nervous either. I thought I would be tho.
Aah yes @ the yes smiley! Lo suggested a nodding one (remember "Nickie"? )
Yeah, I still got Nickie, though I turned him into a Nickie-Thumbsup now, and he's still called Nickie if you check the URL.
Hmm, I can never see rechtsreferendarin.de. :( Whenever I click on the link on the main blog page, or the smilie one, the window looks like it's loading but nothing happens. :(
Just my browser maybe?
LOL @ the MJ politics. Yeah, obviously his standards in security haven't changed. Which is one of the reasons I can't be bothered with him anymore.
Leipzig sounds really cool! Can't wait for the pics!
Probably it's your provider. I had to ban a few providers, because people were spamming my webpage. And it's in German anyway, so I never really cared about banning non-German providers. If you can tell me what provider you use, I can check it and unban it - until some other sucker comes across my page and spams again.
Ah, that explains it!
Em, it's crappy NTL. Region if that helps.
Hm, is it ntli.net? I had banned that cuz of some shtoopid spammers, but I unbanned it now, so maybe it works for you now?
Ah, I can access it now indeed.
Aye, it's all in German.... :-| But just wanted to see it cos was curious!