And I have Tommy. So here's an update, tho a short one cuz soon I will be off to bed.
I am in Leipzig as you know... Michelle is writing an update of her own on her PC. Hers will be longer I think cuz she's less lazy than me. I was gonna post a pic of her writing her update but she made a noise that I believe meant something like "don't you dare".
So... I got here around 1pm (after a loong journey), we put my stuff in a locker and went around town (Leipzig.. ok I've already mentioned that). We went to the Stasi museum , then came home with my luggage, then went to a discussion evening where they showed Jud Süß.
Other than that we did a fair bit of chatting & catching up... and some eating in between. And blowing noses, for we both have colds, which is annoying cuz colds suck, but good cuz it means that we can't catch it off each other since we both already have it. I'm sure Anne will be delighted to spend a day with two ill people tomorrow.
Awww @ ill. Hope you feel better soon.
I am too btw. Boo, it sucks!
Posted by: Dee on Sat October 15, 2005 at 12:30You're ill very often, uh?
Not really *lol* Haven't had a cold in over a year.
Posted by: Dee on Sun October 16, 2005 at 12:04BTW Michael has a cold, too!
So that's where I got it
Oh, that's cool. I wish I had got it from you then. The MJ-flu!
Don't think I got it from him unfortunately. Oh and check your mobile!
Posted by: Clarissa on Mon October 17, 2005 at 22:14Can I ask... (don't shoot me..) What's Jud Süß?
It's an anti-Semitic nazi propaganda film. More here.
Posted by: Clarissa on Mon October 17, 2005 at 23:04Aww shyte, thank you for ya message, but I'm so stupid, I don't understand my new mobile thingy, and I just couldn't work through that weblink yet. Is there any way you could send this picture to me via attachment?
Äh... ok if there is a weblink it's a bad sign anyway (but not surprising since I had the same problem when I sent Tobias sth, I guess I can't send MMS abroad).
The pic isn't important, it was just Times Square. But I also sent you an SMS. I just wanted to email you but only have access to Yahoo addresses right now...
Aaah, okay, I only got a link, and there was no way I could log on the Internet. :(
Maybe you could post a comment on my weblog whenever you want to send an email, and I will disable my filters until I received your email, hehe.
ok maybe I'll do that. Tho it may still be easier to log into one of my non-Yahoo accounts