... never lasts long. So let's make the most of it by writing a hyperrrrrrrrr blog entry to keep my readers happy / shut them up for a while. [...] Ok Euphoria has already died down, so you'll get to read an unhyper entry instead.
I am thinking of cutting down on my onlineness for a while. My two MIPs (Most Important Persons) are leaving me for an obscenely long time (2 weeks & 3 weeks respectively) and this considerably reduces my desire to hang around online for hours at a stretch. I may end up back here for lack of alternatives, but I shall try to think of better things to do.
I had a discussion with Ellen from work yesterday about why I almost never go out with them. Sitting in pubs struggling to shout platitudes over the music - I simply do not see the appeal. Nor do I understand the eager wish of others to spend their time this way. Certainly, sometimes I'll have an interesting chat with someone that I could not have had otherwise, and that may even have "enriched" my life some way or other - but those rare occasions are hardly worth putting myself through hours of boredom & pointlessness.
When my mum was here last week-end, she told me how these days she frequently has the thought "what am I actually doing here?" when she is out there "having a (so-called) life." It appears she didn't use to have that in the past. I've had that for ages, and have avoided it quite simply by no longer doing any of the things that trigger it. My mum of course is trying to break out from her involuntary loneliness (and she never gets the desired satisfaction & returns, deflated, to her life of solitude).
I however have no reason or incentive to seek the company of many, for solitude suits me much better. So I will not force myself to go out with people from work. Instead I intend to undertake excursions on my own. I really enjoyed that weekend in Paris 3 weeks ago, and I think I shall try to repeat the experience. Thanks to the wonderful Streetcar I no longer have to rely on public transport, and there are countless places even within a few hours from here that beckon to be explored.
Today however it shall be train and London again. I am meeting friends from home for dinner who are over there for the weekend, and I'll add a trip to the White Cube gallery to see an Anselm Kiefer exhibition that we missed last weekend. Unfortunately (yet predictably), the plans of meeting with the infamous freDDo were abandoned in their final stages; nonetheless it should be a most interesting day (lest I get blown up).
Tomorrow I shall put the marvellous Streetcar to the test. I have not yet decided where to go, probably towards the West. Why not Portsmouth? I may end up just going to Asda for my weekly shop, but no matter. I am determined to make it a pleasant weekend. I should probably tidy around here as well. I have finally reinstalled Windows on the laptop (currently defragmenting my 2nd partition) - one major achievement before noon bodes well I daresay. Have a nice time everyone and thank you for your time.
Me either @ Sitting in pubs struggling to shout platitudes over the music - I simply do not see the appeal.
(@ both)