(with free pictures!)
So I went to London with my mum. I do not like London, as has been pointed out. I do not like it any more (or any less) after this visit. It was full of tourists, and it was very hot (usually it's not so hot. but it's always full of tourists. especially in the summer, where it also tends to be hotter. but not always this hot).
But it was ok. I did some of the usual touristy stuff with her (she'd not been to London since 1969) and we went to see some arty stuff. We also walked past Buckingham Palace for the change of guards. This was a pure coincidence (and bad timing as it meant we were stuck there until it was over), but I took a pic. Not of the guards, but of some of the tourists.
Er, yeah. We did some more.... "walking" stuff on Saturday. And other stuff. And then I met up with my blowhole and we went to see R.E.M. in Hyde Park. I took a picture of that too, just to prove I was there...
The crackwhore took loads more tho, I'll have to steal them off her. The concert was fabulous. Owing to the circumstances (mum visit etc) we were quite far back so we opted for staying in front of a big screen instead of attempting to head for the front rows. This removes some of the exalted atmosphere, as there tend to be fewer 'real fans', but it makes for a much less stressful (and therefore more enjoyable) experience.
And R.E.M. were amazing. Michael Stipe is sooo sexy, and cute, and wonderful (yes yes, and he has a great waist). And I've been a fan for so many years, and it was great to finally see them live. And the weather was most pleasant, as was the company.
Yeah so anyway. Sunday was very hot. Like, very. We did some more touristy stuff. And complained about the heat. And about aching hips, legs and feet. Oh and I spilled salad dressing on my skirt and bag. And on Trafalgar Square there was a Hare Krishna festival, which was fun and colourful and full of people:
And we saw some important Hare Krishna personality, cuz all the Hare Krishna people prostrated before him when he got out of the car. But we didn't. Yeah and then we came back to Brighton, where it was much less hot, but there was Party in the Park so the roads around the station were closed so there was no public transport or taxis. We found one eventually tho.
And this is the end of my story, since this entry was about London and we have now arrived in Brighton. I'm waiting for my landlord to turn up and he's 20mins late. I've lived here 6 months now and need to renew my contract. SIX months! Can you believe it?
OK he's been so I'll be off. *lol* (and yes I know the pictures are in colour)
did someone say FREE pictures?
PS. Black & white smilies?
PPS. Why are you or your mum not in any pics?
Posted by: The BML on Tue July 19, 2005 at 16:28yeah monochrome smileys cuz monochrome site.
I don't like pics of myself. My mum does not like pics of herself.
Posted by: Clarissa on Tue July 19, 2005 at 17:20