... I dyed my hair. It's a really cool intense red.
Shame my blog is all monochrome at the moment uh?
Other than that... I know I haven't updated in a while, I just haven't felt like it and I still don't. I have nothing much to say. Life is such a drag.
That is such a scary picture. You look like...argh!! can't remember what you look like but you remind me of someone or something
LMAO!!! You nut..!
@ scary.
this monochrome is very nice
Makes me wanna go to Pleasentville
Just annoying to change all the smileys to greyscale. Frame by frame.
Hm and I need to take out the black on the "comment by" thingo.
Posted by: Clarissa on Mon July 11, 2005 at 11:41WAM, Well it certainly doesn't look like you. YOU don't look scary.
And lol @ squizz, how surprising that you like
oO(I'd say I miss the green, but I don't comment on layouts anymore, so I won't say it.)
it looks like me to me
we've had enough of the green.
sorry Vega, had to change your smiley. the rofl one has 46 frames and I really can't be bothered to greyscale them all.
Y'know there's a code that you can use to greyscale all the images on a page. I don't know what it is but it should be real easy to find.
Posted by: squiZZle on Tue July 12, 2005 at 5:36This code is filter:Gray(). But all filters are Microsoft-only and not part of CSS 1.0 or 2.0 (as defined by W3C).
Posted by: Tobias on Tue July 12, 2005 at 8:11So poor firefox users would be deprived of greyness?
I guess I could use it just to please squiZZ, the IE user
Well that's their problem for not using IE
Everyone should use IE.
Posted by: JarJar on Tue July 12, 2005 at 11:25Don't set Tobias off on a long anti-IE diatribe!
Let me do it for him...
IE is full of security holes and Firefox has a much higher usability, is faster and has better features. Once you have used tabbed browsing you will never want to go back. yada yada blablabla
And IE7 (scheduled for end of the year) will probably not support filters either. Microsoft changes their own extensions all the time (see document.all).
Posted by: Tobias on Tue July 12, 2005 at 11:44Not too bothered by that - no doubt I'll be tired of the monochrome by then
Right, and IE7 won't run on Win2000, which is rather useful... not... to me. But if it did I'd use it. I don't want to count Firefox holes, but just because they're not known yet, doesn't mean they're not there.
Posted by: Michelle on Tue July 12, 2005 at 12:28Michelle
Yeah, and they're less worth finding since you can't target as many users with them. But no doubt Tobias will disagree with that
This filter is screwing up my fonts tho so it had to go.
Heya, Val's back!!
...and she hates grey
Yes, you will tell me that it's monochome but you will be lying... I wanna see your hair colour, goddammit!!
Well you've seen it now.
Val hates grey?!
lol - silver is fine but grey is just so terribly... colourless....and lifeless
I almost feel depressed by looking at this page only
Well it reflects the way I felt when I made it.
Posted by: Clarissa on Wed July 13, 2005 at 12:39monochrome is great!
I wish I could see in black and white only .. no more greeeeeen.
Posted by: squiZZle on Wed July 13, 2005 at 22:00Val likes green too!
I suggest you go to my myspace page, Squizz