for your viewing pleasure.
oooh, green wallet! funky!
I still haven't managed to find a hack for Photoshop CS2 for Mac yet, feck!
Posted by: Jster Navarro-Norton on Tue June 28, 2005 at 13:25Sucks having a Mac uh?
shut it.
(lame comeback, huh?)
Posted by: Jster Navarro - Norton on Tue June 28, 2005 at 15:56 yeah but I still wanna poke your boobies
You're starting to sound like a sex-obsessed man.
If you think so. (didn't know boobiepoking was all that sex-obsessed men wanted to do)
Posted by: Clarissa on Wed June 29, 2005 at 11:40(and I didn't say it's ALL they want to do )
no but it IS all that I want to do therefore I don't sound like a sex-obsesseed man.
Posted by: Clarissa on Thu June 30, 2005 at 15:28 How can you decide what I think you sound like?
Anyway was gonna say; I don't know any sex-obsessed men so perhaps I should say it sounds more like those yucky drunk guys you meet when you're out. (Whether THEY are sex-obsessed or not I do not know, but they are obsessed with touching breasts.)
Posted by: JarJar on Thu June 30, 2005 at 16:42You don't have to be a sleazy guy to like boobiepoking.
You should try it! Breasts are very pleasant to touch! Well, nice ones. Not saggy ones.