... with life I mean. The trial is over - actually over - and our man walked free. Really this is all that matters. I'm not going to bother with those who crawl out of the woodwork now to spew their poison. I'm not going to argue with them to try to convince them of his innocence - because it doesn't matter what they think. A certain percentage of the public is always gonna believe he's a paedophile (I think most surveys show it's a little less than half) - but this does not affect MJ, so it need not affect me.
I called in sick on Tuesday cuz I was so exhausted and drained and kept crying and just couldn't face a full day of dealing with stupid users and their petty problems. I decided it would be pointless trying to pretend I'd suddenly caught a stomach bug since most people at work know I'm a fan, so I decided to be honest. My boss was very understanding, HR person however was not ("so you're saying you're not coming in to work cuz you stayed up all night watching TV?") so I'll go and talk to her tomorrow. *lol*
I got my new PC which was christened Bubbles at the suggestion of my M.A.P. (had to be sth MJ-related of course, and my previous desktop was Mikey already), so this weekend I have to do lots of updating, replugging, up-backing (backupping?) and installing. Won't be very exciting but it's gotta be done.
I didn't get a ticket for Live 8 in London and I can't afford to buy one - they're going for several hundred pounds - so I'm looking at going to Paris to see the most marvellicious Placebo instead. [...] I have looked. I have booked.
*heeheeheeheehee, insane grin* July's gonna be one hell of a month: Placebo on the 2nd, R.E.M. on the 9th, mum on the 16th... finally some rest on the 23rd!
Can't beat last year's but it ain't bad.
Er yeah, that's sort of it. For now. My flat is a mess (yet again), full of empty boxes and clothes and... stuff. Tomorrow I need to go to the bank to get my rent out and on Saturday my landlord will come & collect it so I need to make this dump look halfway decent. Or maybe just shut the doors to the rooms! Good night everyone! *bows*
Paris + Placebo is cheaper than Live 8?
Posted by: JarJar on Fri June 17, 2005 at 10:51Ja. Travel will be about £160 all incl. and accomodation will hopefully be free. No tickets for concert required.
Live 8 London tickets are going for many hundreds of pounds (I saw someone ask £650!!)
Placebo AGAIN?!?!
You lucky cow!
come up to Edinburgh for the big walk thingy! you can stay with me!
Now you are coming to Paris... when I'm going to be in England!!!!
LOLOL ja I was saying to squiZZ. Worst timing!
Well you can come see me in Brighton instead.
*hehe* @ Jster. Can't afford now. (what big walk?
che che check it out!!!
but I think it's on the 3rd of July. :(
Not that this wasn't an interesting entry, but can I please just call Evelyn fat again? It was so much fun the last time.
I thank you... oh yes, in advance.
Posted by: The BML on Fri June 17, 2005 at 19:25Aaaaah @ J, it's that thing for G8. Ja well won't be able to come to that obviously. sorry
LMAO you can of course, BML Me. Tho I doubt she still reads this. And my commiserations!
oooh! BML is ALIVE! Online!!!!
Posted by: Jster Navarro Norton on Fri June 17, 2005 at 21:01