We have work night out tonight so I may not be home until late-ish.
Anyone care to text me if the verdict is announced?
So I can make my way home and worry in front of my PC?
Or alternatively stay put so I don't have to freak myself out... *ahem*
I was just about to ask you the same, cause I was gonna go out too... but if you're not home, I obviously can't leave the computer, so sure I'll text you.
maybe we could find a texter for both of us?
or if someone else wants to text me I could then text you?
but I'm only gonna be here for another 15mins....
so um yeah. feel free to text me if you do stay home.
I will not that you can see this now but you will see my txt then. If a bloody verdict is ever reached. God I am so sick of watching CNN lol.
Posted by: Dee on Fri June 10, 2005 at 21:02Aargh me too! All I get is bush bush bush. Bah.
btw Dee where is u on msn? Your account be dead?
Posted by: Zoop on Fri June 10, 2005 at 22:17How long do they want to take? HUH?
Are they actually trying to kill us of anxiety and lung cancer?
How cruel.
Tho I guess maybe they just want to be thorough so that they dont convinct him of something he didnt do.
But still....*stresses*
LOL @ lung cancer. cigarettes are baaad, mkay?
CuDee - I knew I could count on you
But I guess it wasn't to be...
Zoop, it is dead? It should work. I don't use it that much though but you are on my list lol
And yes, the waiting is getting rather annoying now.
lol @ the lungcancer.. so true! But yay for the weight loss, ghehe
Dee, ur on my list with the gmail one. Guess you're not so much online then.. :)
Posted by: Zoop on Sat June 11, 2005 at 13:29ah okay Zoopz. That's the right one Well, I have seen you on but with busy or away sign on mostly
How did work night out go?
Posted by: The BML on Sun June 12, 2005 at 22:33was odd but sorta fun.. I think
Posted by: Clarissa on Sun June 12, 2005 at 23:18