I don't like the previous entry much. So here's a new one. Not that I have anything of any relevance to say.
Oh I do. I've gone into the porn business - AGAIN! Some of you may know that I have a namesake in the porn industry (my real name that is). Well yesterday an old friend of mine sent me a mysterious incomprehensible mail... turns out he was convinced he'd found me on an amateur porn site. Here is a clear photo of her so you can marvel at the stunning resemblance. [Disclaimer: visit the following at your own risk! Not too many popups but I did get a warning from my antivirus about a script virus. Obviously NSFW lol! 1, 2, 3, 4]. He was really hard to dissuade and probably still thinks I am her. She is me. We are one and the same.
That's pretty much it... oh yeah, been told it's very risky to use AIM at work and that they keep a log on the server and that they've sent out scary emails in the past and whatnot.. well why on earth does their sodding messenger support AIM then if you're not allowed to use it? *ugh* But I guess I'll cut down on it or even stop using it altogether. Oh and we need to provide a picture for the Blue Pages (employee directory on their intranet) - ugh, what about my privacy? I hate pictures of myself. Maybe I'll just give them a picture of our porn girly above and see if they notice it's not me. Or isn't it...?
Are you as hairy as that too?
if one more guy comments on her hairiness I'll bash his head in! The site is called Hairy Pussies WTF did you expect?
I hate guys who expect women to shave their cunts into a fucking brazilian!
damn it. I didn't read your disclaimer, so my computer went insane and there was frozen hairy women all over the place!
Posted by: snow white on Thu April 14, 2005 at 2:37 that's what disclaimers are for!!!
I dont think guys nowadays even know what a natural pussy looks like. Its SUPPOSED to have hair, damn it! Even though shaven might be nice, it shouldnt be so surprising when it isnt!
Posted by: Vega on Thu April 14, 2005 at 7:13This girl only looks a bit like you when you haven't seen the close-up of her face.
And I don't think she's very hairy. Men are hairier.
@ scary script things. I have not yet updated my antivirus thing. Can't you just post them here?
I mean I really only need the face, not the hairyier (sp?) parts as I can't really compare that anyway
Well I uploaded the face onto my own server!
Posted by: Clarissa on Thu April 14, 2005 at 13:39 Ja well you both have...brown eyes.