I think I might still die after all. I have the scariest deep chesty cough and I've just had the little bit of Benylin I had left. Did I tell you Ann-Lou!se's bf was diagnosed with light pneumonia? (he works with us too) She was ill too. Before him. We're all gonna die.
So I've spent three full days almost entirely in bed. Wanna see what that looks like? No not me in bed, but my floor after me in bed.
Scary yes? Want a list of (almost) all the stuff there? Course you do. Humour me. So you can see...
- the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy which I read (again) almost in its entirety over this weekend.
- Placebo DVD and (hidden) MJ Number Ones DVD
- list of addresses of most friends, some of whom I had to send stuff to
- old-fashioned crappy phone
- mobile charger, Tommy charger
- various stationery
- Walkers crisps bag (empty)
- webcam
- some magazines
- hot water bottle (greeeen)
- washing up bowl (don't ask ok?)
- some other rubbish
- underneath it all: a rug
I've finally found a solution to my continuing problem of splattering soup all over the microwave when heating it up. It was right there on the can: "transfer to microwavable container, cover, heat for 1min"! Ingenious!!!!! How come I never thought of that??
That's enough updates for a while. Tomorrow back to work. Oh joy.
What were you heating it in before?
Aaaah so you were off today! *gets it now*
PS. You know your title says "I happem"..?
Posted by: The BML on Mon April 11, 2005 at 22:38 so it does. *goes to change*
Just a soup bowl.
And aye @ off. Did you send me lots of offended emails about how I wasn't replying?
Get well soon!
And yes... yuck!
Posted by: Mark on Tue April 12, 2005 at 15:13 It's not that bad!
Thanks tho.
Posted by: Clarissa on Tue April 12, 2005 at 17:22Get better. Or how about seeing a doc?? Anyway, I really hope you feel better soon
Mark, are you still updating your blog? What is it about the login?
Posted by: Anne on Wed April 13, 2005 at 10:40yes, i still am -- i'll be granting access onesmore to my thoughts shortly.... just haven't had the time
Posted by: Mark on Wed April 13, 2005 at 15:39You make it impossible not to love you
Sexy back of whoever man is on magazine.
is DVD.
Posted by: Clarissa on Tue April 19, 2005 at 21:26