I know you all know, but just in case there's any doubt... you know?
Clarissa JarJar
i feel looooooved!
Posted by: jimmy on Sat April 9, 2005 at 4:02Hey, you don't know me but I used to talk to this girl named Sara (she went by Samara Voorhees), well she popped in my head recently and I went to her site to see what she was up to but it was gone, do you by any chance know if she is still around? I searched for her online and somehow came across your site. Thank you in advance!
Posted by: Mike on Sat April 9, 2005 at 10:27 early Mon!
Woah @ Mike, how scary. yeah I used to know her. she kinda disappeared from online, last time I spoke to her she was doing ok tho (we rang her last summer cuz we were worried).
Posted by: Clarissa on Sat April 9, 2005 at 10:54Ugh I can't find the...thing thing. I'm sure it's here SOMEWHERE!!
(The one I just posted on Simply)
Posted by: JarJar on Sat April 9, 2005 at 13:13Ooh found!
Wasn't really that difficult once I figured I could look at the category list.
*goes to Simply*
I miss grudgey
Call her
I miss PetŪ
Mine... *growls*
Posted by: T on Sun April 10, 2005 at 14:50 jaja
His... *growls louder*
calling her is scaaaaaaaary
TELL me about it! Was very scary! But Vega made me the bitch