*Lo and Wam both sit drooling in front of the PC*
Yeah so after much bribing, blackmailing, begging and other desperate measures we now finally have perfection right up there (tho 6 instances of my perfect boys would have been even more perfect of course. Perfecter than perfect. Um anyway). I think I shall keep this layout forever and ever.
Yeah so apart from that we had an interesting day. We went to Lewes. They have a castle. We went to see the castle. I did take my cam this time (with memory card!). See the castle!
Ja there is not much left of it but was cheap to get in and they provided entertainment. We dressed up as fair maidens.
I think this was aimed mainly at school kids and stuff, but it was fun!
I could've done that (dressing up and taking pics) for the rest of the day, but of course we had Lewes beckoning at our feet... or sth. So we moved on (after a trip to castle shop... where we spent an hour or two... did I tell you Lo takes ages deciding what to buy in a shop? Any shop? It takes her 10mins to decide on a bar of chocolate!
So yeah anyway. This is Southover Grange Gardens... pretty flowers
Ooooh and we found a cemetery! It had a Lo in it!
It also had a funky tombstone with a skull on it. How fun!
Um yeah then we went to see the Priory... or what was left of it anyway.
Lo would like to stress that it was called "Priory Ruins" (she also says she hates the word "stress"). Well anyway. We also saw some old guys playing croquet.
Then we fancied fish & chips... and went looking for a chippie... and walked down some shopping street and on through some quiet road... and ended up in the middle of fucking nowhere, miles away from the car, and on the other side of the river, and no bridge anywhere... we were not amused. Ah well. Gave us some exercise!
Eventually we found the car. And also another cemetery. and got out and took some more pics.
Then drove back to Brighton, had some crappy fish & chips outside the Pier (and a crappy crèpe and an ok ice cream), bought lots of choc, came back and went online, where we still are, but we watched some Blackadder in the meantime, and I also rang my nan whose birthday it is today, and now this sentence is getting kinda long so maybe I shoult stop, or maybe just keep going to stretch it to squiZZlike proportions... ok the end!
PS I have a Lo!!!!! She miaows. She also laughs at my shit typing skills. I may have to kill her.
Wow, sounds (and looks) like a very interesting day indeed! I wanna dress up like a fair maiden too
I have to say you both look very nice in those dresses.
Posted by: d on Mon March 28, 2005 at 18:41This is getting ridiculous! I went to Lewes (for the first time) on Saturday! I love exploring new places and was very impressed by the history of the place and the amazing buildings - mainly beautiful Georgian but some 14th and 15th c too.
Btw, I also LOVE pics of men kissing, so hope you keep this layout!
Posted by: Marvin on Mon March 28, 2005 at 18:55Erm......Just curious - why have you put brackets round the t and not the y in "temp[t]aytion" cos I would've thought you would've put "tempta[y]tion"
Posted by: Marvin on Mon March 28, 2005 at 19:34 You'd never been to Lewes before?? Not even for Bonfire Night? Shame on you
You should come to Brighton (for the festival perhaps?) and say hi!
Ja we'll see at layout. Perhaps I will specialize exclusively on my boys
at some later date.
@ the brackets - it's what he does too. He gives himself random names that contain a t (on MSN) and puts brackets round the t. T for Tom.
I hate the pics of men kissing ... make me fucking jealous!
Posted by: Tayboo on Tue March 29, 2005 at 10:13TomTay