Spring has arrived. Well, oficially since today is the 21st, but also weatherwise it seems. Was nice and warm when I walked to work this morning.
Saturday was fun. No no I'm not being sarcastic. We drove to Eastbourne (BML Me & I that is) - mainly cuz I needed to get my T-Mobile account sorted. That's an interesting story all on its own you see. I set up that account years ago (pay as you go) - and of course I don't remember the password I gave them for identification. And because I've moved about 5 times in 5 years I also don't remember what address it is registered to. So basically they can't identify me. I've tried most of the addresses it could be and they insist it's none of those. (how!?) So one guy said I could go into a T-Mobile store with a form of ID and proof of current address and should be able to register it there again. Now of course there is no T-Mobile store in Brighton. There is one in Crawley, one in Worthing and one in Eastbourne.
Ok. Now as the random ex-flatmate needs a fridge and there is a second hand fridge store in Peacehaven (which is on the way to Eastbourne), we decided to combine them. So off we went. And arrived at the fridge shop. And it was closed. We'd already been last Sunday and it had been closed. BML went into the pet shop next door and was informed that "oh he'd probably gone home early then". Great stuff. So she left her number and on we went. I mean after all maybe we would find a 2nd hand fridge store in Eastbourne?
Eastbourne is actually quite far. And quite a boring drive. It's also quite an unexciting place. The T-Mobile store is at the Arndale Centre, which is the main (the only?) shopping centre there. We managed to find it following the signs, and found a nice double-yellow-line parking space not too far from it. So T-Mobile then. The guy put me on the phone to their customer service centre (which is exactly the same people I get thru to when I just dial 150 from my mobile), and they asked me exactly the same questions - the ones I don't have the answer to - and said there was nothing they could do. I said "But one of you lot told me last time that I could identify myself this way, I drove all the way to Eastbourne for that" and she went "well you were given wrong information" - me "so basically I can bin this SIM?" - her "yeah pretty much". Fabulous. Of course I can actually still use it since I can top it up with my top-up card, but it's still annoying that I have no access to any of the services. So looks like I'm finally gonna start using the O2 one I got from Tay. Means I have to ring them too to set it up. Fun.
Ok so that was that. Mission 1: failed, mission 2: failed. I did go to Boots to get lovely green shimmery eyeshadow tho. At least something! Then the quest for a fridge continued. We went to various shops randomly inquiring about where we to find 2nd hand fridges (oh and Caramac choc bars. let's not forget Caramac. don't ask!). We were pointed in various different directions, trailed on and on, and finally gave up when the last guy (who did have fridges, but not 2nd hand and not exactly cheap) told us the next place would be around a mile on and was not that likely to have anything anyway. The guy was so cute tho, we said we were from Brighton and he went sth like "Oh the big city, I always meant to go there. You're probably thinking what a little country boy I am now"
Anyway. Mission 1 part 2: failed.
We popped into KFC for a twister (and some other business), found our car and left Eastbourne behind us with absolutely nothing to show. Well, or, we tried to. Did I mention the petrol level had been quite low on our way out? I decided to wait until our way back since we wanted to get there before the shops closed... bad idea. So in a godforsaken suburb of Eastbourne called Meads Village we ran out of petrol. No service station anywhere in sight of course. So off to the local Coop, where a nice guy let us use the store phone to ring a cab, and an even nicer woman even offered to give us a lift (and a desperate BML comtinued her search for Caramac bars).
Cute cab driver picked us up and drove us to petrol station, where cute attendant let us borrow a (green!) petrol can for a deposit of £5 (by now BML wanted Irn Bru, not Caramacs - he didn't have that either tho)... cute cab driver drove us back to car, asking what brought us to Eastbourne (well...), whether we liked it (um...) and advising us on where to find fridges (but by now all the shops were closed and no way in hell are we going back to that place! *lol*). Once sexy car had her petrol (gloog gloog gloog, too cute lol) we returned to station with the can and also of course to fill the tank some more. Cute attendant got all excited cuz he knew the perfect place for very cheap fridges and he insisted on giving me detailed directions even tho I assured him there was no way in hell we were coming back to Eastbourne. *g*
Then we left. Really this time. By now it was almost 7pm but we decided to try our luck at Curry's in the hope it would be open until 8... it wasn't of course. So I dropped off a disgruntled fridgeless BML at Eo and went home. All we got out of a very long afternoon was, um... green eyeshadow. Oh and very sour sweets. Tho we also learnt that Eastbourne is full of cute people. So on Sunday I decided not to leave the flat at all which I almost managed. Random flatmate kindly brought me an Italian BMT (only cuz she wanted my Win98 CD tho - she's not that kind) and I spent most of the day in bed. Even tho it was a really nice day outside. Who cares? Spring is here! *g*
Sounded fun.
"Oh and very sour sweets." mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
>>and some other business
LMAO!!! Funny entry, me liked muchly and was giggling at work.
Damn Caramacs.
Posted by: The BML on Mon March 21, 2005 at 15:56You got green eyeshadow, that's nice
Too much work for a fridge and cell phone!
And I don't know that there is life on Mars,
but somewhere out there there's life. How
depressing to think that human beings are the
most intelligent life form.
"Spring has arrived."
No it hasn't; summer has just ended! Silly Wambeast
LOL @ Jimmy.
Upside down people be quiet!
Posted by: Clarissa on Tue March 22, 2005 at 7:29I was in the Arndale Centre,Eastbourne on Saturday too!
Posted by: Marvin on Tue March 22, 2005 at 15:23 Marvin lives!!!
How spooky that you were there too!!!
Don't call 02. 1. It costs a fortune. 2. They're most unhelpful.
I think there is an Arndale centre in Manchester. It smells funny.
I lost the lady bug
02 doesn't cost a fortune and they're not unhelpful.
Posted by: BML The on Thu March 24, 2005 at 10:50