I just found this quote by Nietzsche on Michelle's blog:
What else is love but understanding and rejoicing in the fact that another person lives, acts, and experiences otherwise than we do…?
Somehow I feel that the key to more balance in my relationships lies within that quote. I'm fine with the understanding, it's the rejoicing I have some trouble with. But maybe it comes with what I mentioned in my previous entry - accepting our uniqueness.
(oooh I can sense it... I'm on the path to infinite wisdom here. lmao)
You know, you really come off as a whiny, complaining bitch of a human being. Sincerely. What have you got to moan so much about? "Oh, my life is so fucked up..." You live in a time of peace, relative prosperity, free of major illness, in a devloped nation, in the most scientifically-evolved era in human history. Shut the fuck up and talk about rainbows and flowers for once in your life. Jeezuz Aiche Christ, woman, it ain't so bad.
Posted by: Evelyn on Mon March 14, 2005 at 17:35Lmfao @ Evelyn. No one's forcing you to read my blog. If you wanna read about flowers then bugger off and read someone else's.
Don't make smart-arse half-informed comments - incidentally I talk loads about rainbows. Like just below here. Isn't that hyper enough for you?
Last sentence in the entry + Evelyn's comment + Citz's reply = Lo's muchly amused. Thank you very much
glad we could be of assistance
Bloody hell @ Evelyn. I agree, don't read it if you don't like it. It says "cynic" in the "About Me" section on this blog, didn't you notice?
Eurgh @ rainbows. What a pointless (not to mention boring) diary entry that would be.
Anyway... on to the entry. Citz, I thought the whole point of falling in love was that the person was the same as you
But no one is the same as you. You can have similar interests or similar personalities but you'll still find that other people are mystery to you. Or as squiZZ put it: no matter how close you are to someone, they're still a stranger to you and you to them. You can never get into someone else's mind completely. I find that frustrating - according to this quote you should embrace it.
Posted by: Clarissa on Tue March 15, 2005 at 14:33Hmmm. Yeah but the quote seems to be saying the person you will love will be different to you. Which they probably won't be, completely.
PS. You're quoting squiZZ now? Aaah, one of the greats...
No, the quote says that everyone will be different to you - including the person you love. Seeing that as part of the fun is love. At least that's the way I interpret it.
Aye @ squiZZ. He's a twat but a smart one!
(well sometimes) Anyway what he said fits very well here.
*cleans vomit off knees*
Posted by: BML The on Wed March 16, 2005 at 10:55