So we talk about Tayobsession and... other stuff (and age difference) and she goes "yeah well I had this guy at uni I was in love with and he was 7yrs younger than me.. it lasted a year - of course it was a sex affair but he was also really smart!"
She is so fucking cool!
Now she's grilling me about my asexuality.
PS She goes "I never betrayed my 1st husband! I had my fun afterwards of course."
Can we trade? You can have my GRANNY who asks me constantly if I'm a poof.
My NANA is great though. She knows e v e r y t h i n g, you can share her.
Posted by: Tay on Sun March 13, 2005 at 20:02
excuse me. no thanks I'll keep mine
Is she real
I like your gran. Show us a pic!! Does she have bright red hair too?
Posted by: Mel on Mon March 14, 2005 at 11:02I thought you hated her?
Posted by: BML The on Mon March 14, 2005 at 11:38I don't hate her! She just annoys me a lot of the time cuz she moans a lot. But when she doesn't moan she's very cool.
I'll see if I have a pic. She has no red hair tho.
Ah ok. Never heard you call her cool before *lol* Usually you're like "ah shit, I need to speak to her again..."
Posted by: BML The on Mon March 14, 2005 at 14:35