That is, I want comments.
However, I am too lazy to write an entry.
Please be so kind as to comment anyway.
If you're entertaining enough I may consider writing a proper entry
As a reward so to speak.
You have my undivided attention!
And I very much relate to the previous post.
Posted by: jimmy on Wed March 9, 2005 at 18:55 @ Jimmy. I am liking
The attention. Not so much the fact you can relate cuz I guess that's not sth too great to relate to
I'm bored! I want to eat. I want to go home and eat a lot of pasta with tomato & mascarpone sauce.
I also feel bad for not going to Body Combat class. I need to get fit & skinny for my show. Oh well, no point in trying to diet while the Brazilian is still in town!
Posted by: Mel on Thu March 10, 2005 at 12:40I think you should write an entry on Sherlock Holmes.
@ the crackwhore!
How about YOU write an entry about him Katja?
Melllllll you should update/get new site/ do sth else!!!!
But it's your blog so you must write that entry. You could also write about why you haven't fallen in love with Sherlock yet, for I really cannot understand that. *hehe* Aaaah, my Sherlock, that divine genius. And he has profound chemical knowledge! Isn't that great?
Posted by: Katja on Thu March 10, 2005 at 19:58You could be guest author
I only do entries about my own obsessions
I don't know @ guest author. I'd rather not write anything in the epic way (that means anything not lyrical, you know). And I cannot think of anything worth writing in a Sherlock obsession poem because I'm too untalented and too lazy and I have to do too many things for university.
Posted by: Katja on Fri March 11, 2005 at 12:29 @ untalented, sooo not true!!!
I'll accept the other 2 excuses tho.