Stolen from Skyler.
TEN random things about me:
1. I have a thing about naming objects. I even considered naming the 2 rooms in my flat cuz saying "I'm in the big room/the bedroom" sounds weird to me.
2. I looooove guys in eyeliner. (thanks Tay)
3. I used to collect "weird" soft toys. They're all in Lux tho. But I sleep with soft toys as well.
4. I have 14 active email addresses (that I use or know the login details of). Five of those are to my 'real' name.
5. I like to refer to myself as asexual.
6. I've never tried illegal drugs.
7. I had 7 grandparents (step- & adoptive included). There are 2 left.
8. I took Latin in school. (thanks Val)
9. I always have sth to read near the loo. (thanks again)
10. I hate chinese food.
NINE ways to win my heart:
[obviously in the non-romantic way since I don't do relationships - so let's rephrase it to '9 ways to make me like you']
1. be open-minded
2. be intelligent
3. accept me (AND my friends) with all my (their) weird quirks
4. be spontaneous & a bit crazy
5. be artistic
6. share one or more of my interests (hehe)
7. be online?
8. don't use me
9. be different
EIGHT things I want to do before I die:
1. see Hong Kong & New Orleans
2. meet Tay, Prue and maybe a few other people.
3. try Absinthe (the real stuff, not the mellowed down 'legal' version)
4. meet Michael Jackson
5. tell the people I hate and/or despise what complete tossers they are
6. swim with a horse
7. drive a really fast car (maybe that should be the last thing I do, hehe)
SEVEN things I wish I were:
1. talented
2. less impatient & irritable
3. slim & pretty
4. filthy rich
5. less needy
6. easier to satisfy
7. less lazy!!!!
SIX things that get me mad:
1. ignorance/prejudice
2. religion
3. arrogance (the only one who's allowed to be arrogant here is me, geddit??? muahaha)
4. stupidity, stubbornness, self-righteousness (in combination especially)
5. brattish/annoying kids
6. bad spelling & grammar
FIVE things I'm afraid of:
1. losing someone
2. spiders, dragonflies, various bugs
3. illness/pain
4. rejection
5. feelings
FOUR of my favourite items in my room:
1. Tommy (laptop)
2. bed
3. CDs
4. bookshelf (with books)
THREE things I need to do right now:
1. get more Coke
2. put the heating up
3. change CD
TWO things I do everyday:
1. drink
2. think
ONE person I want to see right now:
1. Brian Molko (cuz I really wanna see Placebo live again). *lol*
There are some hilarious bits on there...
"obviously in the non-romantic way since I don't do relationships - so let's rephrase it to '9 ways to make me like you'" hahaha
"brattish children"
LOL@"complete tossers"
As I can see, you took into account my suggestions
P.S. Your clock is one hour behind...
Ah yes. I adjusted it the other day cuz the clock on the server was wrong. I guess they corrected theirs so now mine is wrong again.
The "non-romantic" thing was not meant to be funny.
I know - You're often funny without meaning to
unfreiwillige Komik is usually not a compliment
Yes, it is, sometimes
"squirk"... that's a funny word too... it sounds so not serious
I took Latin in school too!
Posted by: [ t ] on Mon March 7, 2005 at 22:46