I felt like doing a wishlist. Then I remembered that last September I already did one of those and I had a look. Interestingly, I found out that a few of the things on that list I actually got. Well basically the material, realistic ones:
- a sexy laptop (Tommyyyyyy )
- a new mobile (my Samuel)
- colourful things (a whole colourful flat..)
- to see [Michael Stipe] in concert (Hyde Park 9th July)
Most of the general ones are still valid and I shall now add a few (since I am bored)
- a Mon all to myself & 24/7
- a Tay to call my own
- not to be ill
- not to have to sell my Lara
- no more boredom
- a bigger freezer
Hm I'm bored of this now. Oh yes that reminds me I also want
- a longer attention span
- energy!!! ambition!!! initiative!!!!
I want a whish list too.
whhheeeee I have a link now!!! *does happy dance*
Posted by: Jster Navarro Norton on Sun March 6, 2005 at 4:13Make one then! (in other words: update!! but I see you've updated already. don't think that counts tho, too short).
So yeah: UPDATE!!
@ J, ja you've been linked for a few days now. That myspace thing still confuses me tho