Part I - Beans
I bought a can of green beans a while back. It seemed tempting. It's quite a big can so now I don't know what to do with it. Eat nothing but beans for dinner one day? Eat beans three days in a row? Eat some beans and throw out the rest? Leave the can on the shelf until it's expired then throw them all out? That would make no sense of course, but that is probably what will happen since I just can't seem to decide how to eat them.
Part II - Spoons
A long long time ago I found a spoon in our school yard. It was a Hello Kitty spoon and had a pink handle. It looked a bit like this. The only reason I knew it was a Hello Kitty spoon was because I could read the "Sanrio 1976" copyright thingo at the back - the actual picture of her on the front had already faded. However it became my favourite cereal-eating spoon and I must have had it for over 15 years. The other day it broke so I had to throw it out. I am now eating my cereal with an Asda Smart Price spoon. It's just not the same thing.
Part III - Sandwiches
Today was Italian BMT day at Subway. This doesn't mean that today was the only day one can get Italian BMT at Subway, but that today (every Thursday in fact), an Italian BMT costs merely £1.99. That's almost irresistible, but only almost since I did resist it today and had cereal instead. I think that shall be the end of this entry. Goodnight.
Invite someone to dinner and eat the green beans between the both of you.
And next tine buy smaller cans!
Posted by: Mel on Fri March 4, 2005 at 11:02I don't have a table so can't invite anyone. And there were no smaller cans, that was the whole problem!!!
What's the difference between green beans and green peas?
Posted by: BML The on Fri March 4, 2005 at 12:57Green beans are beans... and green peas are peas!
Posted by: Mel on Fri March 4, 2005 at 14:47aye.
peas are round, beans are long
Posted by: Wam on Fri March 4, 2005 at 14:48cuuuuuuuutttttttttttttteeeeee about the Hello Kitty spoon.
Awww. squiZZsh*
Posted by: Jster Navarro Norton on Sat March 5, 2005 at 16:40 another random squiZZ appearance in my comments
I'd cook half of the beans (hot dish) and prepare the other half as bean salad. You know it's popular here in Lux.. and tastes good! So, you have more variation and can eat them 2 days in a row or hot beans for lunch and bean slad for dinner.
LOL@Kitty spoon... didn't know about that... interesting