Tomorrow I am off to see my Mon. Altho I will of course be online from her place, and she will probably bully me into updating at some point (or update for me, which is much more fun!), I thought I'd do an entry before leaving. This was it. Bye!
LOL kidding of course. I am pretty much done packing, I'm just kinda waiting for my Mon to come online and tell me which DVDs she wants me to bring. I also need to shower still and have dinner. I'm sure I've forgotten something of course. I am always convinced I've forgotten sth. My digicam is so heavy and cumbersome. My Tommy is sexy and easy to carry. (ok my Tommy is actually heavier than my cam, but come on it's a laptop!)
I got some interesting reactions at work about my Norway trip. Natali went "you're going to Norway again??? Are you seeing a Norwegian?" Olivier asked me lots of stuff about it and said sth like "It's beautiful, no?" and I went "um yeah apparently so. We don't go out much."
But yeah, it's beautiful, no?
I also keep getting funny reactions when I say I don't have a TV. People go "oh my God, poor you" and I'm like, um actually this is by choice, it's not like I can't afford one or I have an allergy or sth. *lol* No one can really believe that I don't miss it. Someone went "but what about news??" - um, ever heard of the Internet?? I actually find that I don't have the patience for TV news anymore, I just wanna read the bits I'm interested in, selectively, at my own pace. And if I want pretty moving pictures to go with it, I can find those online too. Yeah so TV sucks.
I have a PC at work now, which means I do more online crap and less letter-writing (which is what I've done so far whenever I wasn't on a call or talking to someone or other)... but I try to stay away from this site cuz I don't want them to find it, and I'm afraid with this URL their filters might actually draw their attention to it. I might have said this before.
God what a boring entry. Online is boring too. So I'll go now. Tarah!
Jaa.. TV is shit but you are missing a cool programe called "Anatomy for Beginners" where dead (but preserved) bodies are being cut open to show how the organs function!!