SOOO I ain't properly updated in a while... mainly because I have nothing to say, and I said as much to anyone complaining. But now I am bored and not tired so I will try to say random things until I wanna sleep. That should cover my update quota for a few days.
About 2005 for instance. That's the year that's just started. I don't really tend to think in years cuz things develop/change all the time, but it's interesting to have comparable entities anyway. 2004 was the year of moving back to Brighton (incl. finding a job) and also the squiZZyear and the Placebo-year (5 concerts!!!).... it was a few other things as well but that's what dominated it no doubt.
2005 will obviously be different. I am in Brighton already and there is no squiZZ and there will be no Placebo. So what will it be? It may well turn out to be the Tay-year (you may not know this but he is really rather marvellous). Or perhaps it will be the "sorting myself out" year... who knows? It's unlikely but one should not lose hope. It will also be the Mon-year and Lo-year but so was 2004 really. Hopefully there won't be any particular Mon- and Lo-years because Mon and Lo will be in my life forever.
It will also probably be the first year I am a fully working member of society. Scary stuff. I got tax back how fun, so I am rich now. It's probably a mistake tho so I shan't rejoice, but instead bug Alison-HR-person or ring them up. I must also sort out council tax for Darryl-Arnaud-Xavier-Toby-Izzard-Sergio the multi-named flat.
Jareth the mono-named flat has been thoroughly scrubbed for the arrival of Ally the Australian person in about 3 hours' time. Yes that's right. One Ally has left us for the Australasian region, but we're getting another one in return. She ain't staying for 14 months unfortunately, but she's staying with us for the weekend and that's very cool. I love increasing my count of MJfans-meetings. She also sounds very cute so far.
[um you may have guessed that this entry wasn't finished last night after all lol. The desire to sleep overcame me all of a sudden.]
Actually I've run out of things to say now. Online is boring. Maybe I should go to Asda. Did I mention that Tay is marvellous? Oh I did. Sorry. He is tho! Everyone should have a Tay, but not mine (er sorry, squi's of course). Loooving you is easy, comes so naaturally-y. Alicia Keys is marvellous too. I wanna be her. Or own her at least.
This time next week I will be in Norway. The land of trolls and elks and Mons. Am I boring you? This entry is turning into something like the letters I write to my friends when I'm bored at work or on a plane or wherever. Did you know there are only sth like 20-30 wolves left in Norway? Some of them live in Langedrag. Mon and Jimmy have been to Langedrag. There are also goats there. This pleases daniel.
Oh I can show you pics of the stuff I've done in my new flat! Darryl-Arnaud-Xavier-Toby-Izzard-Sergio! Pretty colourful bathroom, very gay kitchen (these will be moved around lol) and cool drawer-thing for bathroom! Pretty, no?
I've also bought a vacuum. It's silver, which will please squiZZ, but the colour was not one of the purchase criteria. It's tiny and powerful and it was on sale. That's what determined my choice.
Queen are very cool. My flatmate is listening to Janet. She is also very cool. Very cool is also the weather. Well, cold more like. Well that's what the guy on the radio told me on the way to the recycling centre earlier. I didn't find it that cold, but then I do seem rather used to it. Australian Ally is probably cursing her decision to come to Europe in winter. In Australia it is very hot. Well it was last time I spoke to Craig. Something like 38 degrees. I do prefer this to that I think. Especially since I don't find it that cold. We don't even have the heating on and I'm not cold. But then the sun did warm us up (cuz our windows face east you see, so in the morning the sun shines straight into our flat) so now it's gone (round the corner) we may have to turn it on soon.
I really am talking a load of bull uh? It's been a while since I last said that Tay is marvellous!
We sync-watched Placebo videos last night. Sync-watching DVDs with Tay is much fun! I used to watch things on TV while on the phone to Dani or Kristin... for hours. With a comment every few minutes. Aaaah the delights of having your parents pay for the phonebill. *hehe* So shall I go to Asda now? I still have some time left. It will be fairly busy I reckon. Freddie Mercury manages to rhyme "future" with "me" lol. He pronounces it fut-eear. Cheatah!
I can honestly say that buying Tommy was the greatest idea I've had in a long long time. He has thoroughly changed my online habits. Some would say for the worse. Oooh but he's so sexy! And tiny!
So I can take him to Norway (which is where I will be going on Friday in case you didn't know). And show my Mon all the cool stuff I have on him. And we can watch Girl, Interrupted. And I will get him out on the plane just so everyone can see what sexy little Tommy I have. Oooh and if I have the time I can use one of the hotspots at Heathrow!!!
Hey maybe I'll leave 30mins earlier just so I can do that!
I really should go now. Why is no one online? I am getting loads of spam on my webmaster address. I've thought about disabling it for a month or so, but then my cool feedback form won't work anymore (I can't edit that cuz I'm not even supposed to have it anymore after I downgraded my account with 1&1.. they didn't disable it but I don't have access anymore)... and also quite a few people don't have the other address so I'd have to go through my archives and find them all and email them... that's rather a lot of work. Hm I wonder if spam is more annoying than that?
Okay I will really go now. No honest! Watch me! *publishes entry* There!
award for the coolest entry!. Thats how an entry should be. Easy on the mind
Langedrag is cuuuute! Wanna go there.
Cool entry too. Yeah - poor Ally! Hope she brought some warm clothes!
Ally says it's not actually so bad!
(we have an Ally )
PS cute Tris
"Remember personal info?" Yes! Yes! Yes!!! But it never does.
"Hopefully there won't be any particular Mon- and Lo-years because Mon and Lo will be in my life forever."
They shot one they weren't allowed to shoot today. I hate farmers and hunters!! Well not all, just the ones that shoot wolves. And all other people who want wolves shot. Ugh.
Cool drawer-thing-for-bathroom indeed! You didn't show me...whenever it was.
"And I will get him out on the plane just so everyone can see what sexy little Tommy I have. Oooh and if I have the time I can use one of the hotspots at Heathrow!!!"
LMAO How very WAM.
ANd weeeeeh @ long entry btw!
Summary: I love my Mon
all I need to add: I didn't show you cuz I bought the next day and you weren't on.
And if it doesn't remember you probably don't have cookies set correctly...
oooh@ the floors in the bathroom..lovely.
Have fun with decorating.
The good weather has left for somewhere warmer, probably Bali, is now mainly wet/humid and mild.
You also seem to have gathered quite an Aussie following now, planning a tour yet? I see rainbow-coloured t-shirts with; Citz Down-Under 2005 - The land of scary animals tour! Dates: Sydney - TBA, Melbourne - TBA, Brisbane - TBA...
Posted by: Craig on Sun January 23, 2005 at 11:55lmao cute oz craig hehehe
I would limit myself to Sydney tho, they're all there except conquie & he doesn't wanna meet me.
am in melbourne. it's lovely here. some say it's like a mini paris
I wanna come too!!!
Craig, I never see you on msn (i soooo never blocked you! I saw you online about 3 weeks ago but I was on and offline too quick to say hi. Anyway HI!!!!!!!!)
Posted by: Jess on Sun January 23, 2005 at 12:04