Why life sucks:
My BT Communicator is not working. The ID is wrong apparently.
I forgot my cheque book so I'll have to go back to the bank tomorrow.
TomTay is very sad. Unsurprisingly. Also quiet.
The weather really really sucks.
My mp3player is buggered.
Why life doesn't suck:
I am going to Norway (again) on the 28th!!
My Lo is coming to see me in March!!!
I got my 1st eBay feedback as a seller & I was highly recommended.
I am getting my new flat tomorrow. Pics to follow.
MJ is very hot, again, as are some other people.
*the other hot-people are Prince*
imagine me, prince and mj in a jacuzzi !!
that would have been freaky lol
I really really did not have Prince in mind
lol, my mistake
I adore Prince!!!!
you don't say!
Posted by: Clarissa on Mon January 17, 2005 at 22:38 I don't want Toma to be sad.
no kidding
Posted by: Clarissa on Tue January 18, 2005 at 0:39You're going to Norway again?!
Lucky you. Have fun.
And you have a Lo. I want to meet Lo.
Posted by: jimmy on Tue January 18, 2005 at 3:42People are so superficial.
I hate it when other people post comments on MONdays.
I wonder about that sudden rediscovering of love for MJ on your part. Then again, I am not really surprised. Seems like a few selected people on this planet will never be able to stop loving him.
God, I diss him all the time but it's his fragility that keeps me turned on. Michael, always on my mind... ((
@ Mon. If you want, I can even change the thing to say posted ON Mon, that would be even more fun
Ja @ Anne I don't think I will ever really stop loving him even if I cool down for long periods of time. And it's fun you know Tho I'm sure if won't last if I'm honest.