of what I meant in previous entry....
I love squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay very much.
This is what I feel like saying now. But my readers will say: how boring, you have said that many times before. And I will say: yes, but this is my blog and I can write whatever I want. Or I can say: ok, you don't wanna read that, so I will write sth else, even tho I don't actually feel like it.
See what I mean?
PS squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay squiZZ Tay
what I usually think when you write like that: Writers block!
Posted by: tris on Fri January 14, 2005 at 22:58But why?? That is again assuming that I have to write sth substantial or entertaining! If all I can think is "Tay squiZZ" then that's all I can write. It's my way of filling my head with positive thoughts to shut out the negative. Once I start a wordy entry the negative thoughts will come back.
Posted by: Clarissa on Sat January 15, 2005 at 10:10It's your "owndamn.biz", isn't it? lol
Posted by: Lo on Sat January 15, 2005 at 10:28Very true Myyyyyyyy biz and myyyyyyy boys muahahahaha!
when I tried blogging some time back, my entries were mostly only intresting to me (exept the one about me wanting to be the song "come together")
but it's gotta be something to your blog since many people are replying
Write whatever you FEEL like writing about. You cant please everyone, so why even try? Please yourself and we all will adore you like weve always have.
Posted by: Vega on Sat January 15, 2005 at 18:10I love wamwam
Posted by: squiZZle on Mon January 17, 2005 at 16:05squi