What is the purpose of this blog exactly?!
[edit] I mean: do I write what I feel and risk annoying people with depression & repetitiveness, or do I aim to entertain & update when people demand an entry & then just write any old shit? [/edit]
give me a minute
Posted by: tris on Fri January 14, 2005 at 21:21ah yes, of course. Interract!
and people like reading your blog.
(people like me)
are you haveing thoughts about closing it or something?=(
Posted by: tris on Fri January 14, 2005 at 21:25...gove me a minute, or four. LOL
Posted by: tris on Fri January 14, 2005 at 21:25What would I check every 5 minutes otherwise?
entertain & update when people demand an entry & then just write any old shit
Posted by: Mark on Fri January 14, 2005 at 22:28after the edit:
it's your blog. You can choose what to put in it.
I read something about people who deals with depressions, some kind of study or something. The study basically said that people who write a diary can't seem to forget the past and move on. They are stranded with their depression, and can't find a way out of the sad an hurtful thoughts and feelings that are keeping their minds busy.
At the same time, the study said that if they didn't write a diary, they would probably have had it even worse.
Writing a diary has helped me alot. After experiencing a violent relationship with psycoligical terror, beatings and treats, my easiest way to deal with it all in the beginning was denial. I can even sence now that Im feeling bad just to write about it. It took me some time to write it all down. But I did it. Later I could talk to my friends about it. Now I have come to peace that this experience is going to be a part of me for the rest of my life; I will at some point always look over my shoulders. Just in case...
So my point was? Well, this is "my" space for the moment, and I can write what I want (unless you're deleting it all, lol) Isn't it all to be heard? Don't you love to write?
Several people have said that "I would like to show you my diary, it's all there".
Of course some things are private, like it should be, but most things, mo, you'd like to share with other people. To be heard. And to get a little bit of feedback.
Hmmm @ long Tris entry. Interesting. I don't think my diary keeps me trapped in the past. I do have a tendency to dwell on negative thoughts and experiences from the past, but I get them from my memory, not from my blog. Tbh most of the stuff that makes me sad isn't even in here.
I didn't know you were in an abusive relationship. I am sorry
Thank you. But Im okey now=)
my reply came out kinda long, and on the way I think my point slipped. But it was something about what has allready been said, that it is your owndamn.biz and you write for yourself. And if people aren't satisfied, start your own blog! hehe
Posted by: tris on Sat January 15, 2005 at 17:40