Talk about some stupid timing - it's like life slapping me in the face.
I never did blog about this. We were gonna move out in March right? Cuz landlady bitch wouldn't let us terminate contract early. Ok then David caretaker came to see me and said well she'd gladly let us leave early if someone took over and he had someone who wants to move in so yadda yadda all was cool, we decided to aim for end January.
So started looking for flats again. It's a tedious job. Most places are dumps. I contacted the guy again who'd already shown me a flat in December and he had a cute little place 5mins from AmEx and it's actually 2 rooms (tho bedroom tiny) and cute and I thought fuck it and said I'd take it. He had someone else viewing straight after and sent them home.
So he took me to an ATM and I paid the holding deposit (£100) straight away and we agreed on 18th for moving in date. I wasn't over the moon excited, but I was happy I had somewhere and didn't have to look further, and 2 rooms very cool.
Then I came home. Where I was greeted by a random flatmate with the thrilling news that those guys aren't moving in after all cuz they're on housing benefits and landlady bitch won't accept that and they had conveniently "forgotten" to let anyone know. Great. 30mins after I'd handed over 100 quid. Hence slapped in the face by life.
So either I've lost £100... or if I keep the flat I'll have lost much more cuz I pay double rent for 6 weeks. But I've decided - again - to screw it and do just that cuz I like the place and I really can't be arsed doing this whole thing a third fucking time. So I'll be moving as soon as I have a phoneline in the new flat.
Which is exciting after all. Well not the actual moving part, but the having new place part. And the "living 5mins from work" bit. And if I bully my Mon a bit (or a bit much) then maybe she'll come & help me with the move.
so when do you think you'll get phoneline there?
I dunno. I'll have to check last year's archives to see how long it took then. Broadband was quite a while. Lemme see... 9 days for phoneline and 18 days for broadband.
Jaja I KNOW!
you wanted me to comment!
And people will think I'm rude for not replying.
Posted by: JarJar on Tue January 11, 2005 at 23:10And I'll come to visit then!
There will be no room for Lucas tho
I will be coming on Sunday to hoover Jareth.
Hey, good luck with new flat, hope all works out for you!
Posted by: Woods on Wed January 12, 2005 at 20:10