(echoing Anne)
Well seeing as it's the first day of the year that doesn't really say much just yet. So I guess that's good. Things can only get better as they say (tho apparently they can get worse too, and they sure as hell will after.. oh nevermind I said I'd stop mentioning it).
Achievements so far this year:
- boring Tobias and Katja (who were kind enough to spend NY's Eve with me) by being my usual unexciting self (well that was before midnight)
- feeling miserable & selfish cuz I'd kinda expected my Mon to be here cuz she had to be home with dogs, but turned out she wouldn't be online cuz she had a Silje
- texting only two people after midnight and one text didn't work cuz my phone sucks and one didn't cuz the network was overloaded
- being very horrible to squiZZ & making him sad(der) cuz of being paranoid and unable to believe him
- offending/annoying Val with my self-absorbtion and inadequacy
- being self-pitying and annoying to other friends and hating myself and wanting to kill myself (but then remembering my Mon and reconsidering)
I'm not leaving my bed. Today or ever again. I shall watch old Simpsons episodes and read cheesy magazines for the rest of the year. Or the rest of my life even.
PS Happy New Year and all that shit. (fireworks on Brighton Beach)
*whispers* I love Tay!
[edit] I also love my Mon cuz she has given me the greatest present ever and whenever I hate myself I can open & read it and tell myself that someone at least loves me.
Posted by: Tay on Sat January 1, 2005 at 15:54
Happy New Year! Things can only get better... they can only get better... hehe. )))
Not boring at all. It was a cool kind of high-tech-geek-New-Year's-Eve-thing!
@ Anne, cute.
@ Tobias. Katja found me boring tho.
Just a tiny little bit. But maybe that is because of me being pretty hyperactive.
hm ok
Posted by: Clarissa on Sat January 1, 2005 at 23:23My phone sucks as well, I tried to send you a message... but hey.
Anyways, happy new year...(I only got 'net connection a couple of hours ago! )
Jster! x
Posted by: Jster on Mon January 3, 2005 at 0:17A J!!!!!!