- April 2003 - :: 30Apr03 15:20 :: CLEANING UP MY CLOSET :: Well not my real one. My virtual one. If you can consider webspace a closet. Which of course you can. Eeenyway, I've decided to move Sex-God back to Easyspace so I'll be rid of the excess bandwidth usage, plus I can put the big versions of the pics back up.
:: 29Apr03 23:00 :: DECISIONS DECISIONS :: Meh, wasn't feeling too great earlier so decided to watch the MJ Home Videos again to cheer me up... then remembered I'd wanted to watch Dirty Diana for a while... then moved on to Come Together and finally Bad... aaaah shexay moves! *drool* So yes, feeling better now. :)
:: 28Apr03 23:30 :: MJ FANFIC :: Prompted by a thread on MJJforum, I've dug up my MJ fanfic stories again (both written in September 1998) and for some strange reason decided to make them available online. You better save them if you wanna keep them as I might decide to take them off again tomorrow. The stories are rather weird by fanfic standards. No sex, no happy end, no point. Kinda in suspension, the whole thing. But somehow I like. I was gonna write another MJ-related diary entry tonight but I can't be arsed now. Maybe tomorrow.
:: 27Apr03 02:50 :: LMAOOOO AAAWWW BML MEEE :: LOLOLOLOL aaaawwww just got cutest phone call from BML Me, having lost friend & being sat rather drunk in corner of club!!!! Aaawwww BML Me be soooo cute calling She Citz on mobile when sat in corner in club!!! SOOO SOOO CUTE!!! :: 26Apr03 18:30 :: FOUND KEYS :: *lmao* They were... well, um, if you really wanna know they were in my handbag. The one I was convinced I hadn't taken on Thursday, so I never even checked it. The one I took to work on Friday, using my mum's car cuz I didn't have my keys, when they were, all while, in the bag right next to me. The one I put my mum's keys in at work, taking them back out to drive home, without ever feeling or hearing that other set of keys in the bag.
:: 26Apr03 02:50 :: MICHAEL FRIGGIN SEX GOD JACKSON :: God. I can't explain what that man does to me. He reduces me to a hysterical, drooling & panting heap of hormones. Yeah so can you guess? I am watching the Private Home Videos Special. GOD he's amazing. Sexy. Funny. Adorable. Cuddly. Awe-inspiring. Out of this world and approachable at the same time. Incredible and incomparable. I realise he doesn't have that effect on everybody, of course not. But he certainly does intrigue and impress most people by his presence. Thank God they don't all get obsessed, imagine if we had to share him with everyone!
:: 25Apr03 13:40 :: I WANT MY KEYS!!! :: Yes, I've lost my keys, how bloody annoying! I mean, they're in the house somewhere, but I can't find them and I have no clue where I could've left them! I had to use my mum's car to go to work this morning, but I need them before 3 o'clock to go to my course. I can't really be arsed looking for them I have to admit. My room is such a tip, they could be anywhere, on the floor, underneath something else etc. *sigh* And no, reconstructing what I did when I got home last night didn't work!
:: 25Apr03 00:40 :: CITZ WANTS BML :: wants to :: 24Apr03 00:30 :: TO RENT, TO BUY; :: To buy, perchance to owe, ay, there's the rub. *ahem* Yeah, so what do I do? Let me explain the options, their advantages & disadvantages...
:: 23Apr03 00:20 :: SIGHTS & DEEDS :: Yeah so here is my long awaited picture update from Mainz etc. Indeed. You'll only get a selection... you needn't see ALL the embarrassing evidence of stuff that was done! *lol* Some of these are Tobias' pics - it will say so if you hover. Obviously these are clickable as they're very small. *lol*
Right, yes, that's that, then there are also a few pics of my horsey that I thought I'd share... I did a major spring cleaning yesterday & took some before/after pics... they're pretty cool, hehe. Again, clickable.
Yes, that's pretty much it. Now let's add some text. *lol* Today was the first day back at work, it wasn't too bad actually, my kids were nice enough, even tho it was the last lesson of the day (usually they're unbearable), then in the afternoon we were left to go early, which always puts me in a good mood. *hehe* Tomorrow's one of the "big group" lectures, which means I can finally do crap (unlike in the seminars of 8-12 people, where it would be kinda obvious).
![]() So after school I buggered off to the supermarket and bought myself a GBA and 3 games. Gee you still dunno what a GBA is? Read my entries more carefully! Anyway, I guess that means I'll be off soon to do some game-playing. *hehe* Not really much else to tell anyway. Had a look at some classifieds for flats last night, but I'm too lazy to think about all that now. I was gonna do Michelle's questionnaire tho... right, so lemme do that & then I'm off. ![]() Right, that's done, you can find it here. Nighty-night! ![]() EDIT (2hrs later, phew) - my comments now work with Yahoo smileys... the codes are different sometimes tho (blame it on Enetation), so make sure you check them out. Yahoo smileys rock tho. Thanks to Michelle who gave them infinite animation for Dorin's board, whence I stole them. *hehe* :: 21Apr03 21:30 :: NOT AGAIN :: Well I've just had another argument with my mum, and as usual it ended in "I want you to move out" - always does these days and I have to say I'm sick of it, so I guess I'll move out. It's really annoying tho cuz I don't wanna rent, and I can't afford to buy. But I guess it's less annoying than this. Meh.
:: 20Apr03 11:30 :: HAPPY EASTER :: Rejoice in the glory of our Lord, who died for each and every one of us and rose from the grave, and ascended to join His father in His heavenly reign! Hooray! Hooray! Or something like that. *lol* Katja and Tobias have buggered off to mass and left me here on my own... with a Playstation2 and about 50 games, 2 Game Boy Advance, a PC with Internet connection, lots of DVDs and a telly. What more could I possibly want? So no one can tell me religion doesn't have its good sides. *mehehehehe*
:: 18Apr03 01:40 :: QUICKIE :: Bed soon. Yeah so as everyone can see there's a new layout, hooray, and yes I did take the picture myself, it's actually the view from my window towards the West, so this is a sunset... sometimes they come pretty like that and I try to take pics.
:: 17Apr03 09:05 :: THE FUTURE :: My bum hurts. Been riding yesterday you see, and am not really very used to it anymore, so then.. well, bum hurts. Was very nice tho. Wasn't with my own baby, but with a friend's horse. Very cute. Tho not as cute as my baby of course.
:: 16Apr03 09:05 :: LIFE AFTER THE BML :: Right I'm gonna try to do an update with more than just "I miss Me BML" wailings (tho you might be interested in hearing that I do still miss her! No? You knew that? Because I keep repeating it again and again? All over my site? Ah. Well ok, on to other matters...)
Indeed. Harry Potter is a pre-order of course, I thought I might as well order it now, got 50% off. I hope the rest will arrive soon as I have just finished English Passengers. Still thinking of doing that Book Reviews page... bit of an equivalent of Michelle's and Sara's Film Reviews... indeed. Don't know if anybody would be interested tho. And if I wouldn't get bored of it after, um, 2 days.
![]() Right. Today I'll finally do all the stuff that needs doing (as yesterday was mainly spent going ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Oh BTW I've spent some time thinking about getting a tattoo again... like so many times before. I could get one that says "BML's Citz"?! *hehe* OK seriously, I'm still very much drawn to the Michael Jackson autograph thing - wouldn't be too big you see, so it wouldn't hurt so much (yes I'm scared!). My other idea was a bat, but that's aaall big & dark and has to be filled with black colour, which hurts the most (or so I'm told) and aaargh. ![]() Yes and then there's something else... I was talking to my mummy Prue yesterday and made her guess my real name, and we were at Babynames.com and found all these other names that mean the same thing as my real name (and no I will tell you neither the meaning nor any of the other names), and I was thinking, I could get the Chinese version as a tattoo... lots of people have Chinese signs tattooed on them, and that way it would be something personal, rather than just "prosperity" or crap like that. Indeed. What do you think, o reader? :: 15Apr03 12:45 :: APPEAL :: I'm missing something. Maybe you can help me get it back? It's 5'8", BML-shaped and it speaks funny. I think I might have left it at Charleroi airport. I went looking round for it but it was gone. If you can find it anywhere, please contact me urgently. :: 15Apr03 12:45 :: NO MORE BML :: :: 14Apr03 14:25 :: VIDEO TRANSCRIPT :: Right, we've done a transcript of our video so for those that are hard of hearing, it can be found here - the video, as we all know, is here. Right that's it from us, we're off to France. :: 14Apr03 04:15 :: FINAL OFFERING :: from the BML and She Citz - video-wise we mean. Aren't that drunk (hehe), but have spent all night making.... well - this! Was a lot of effort, getting changed, changing make-up, moving spotlights and thinking up dialogue (plus the bloody video program crashed on us once so we had to start again)... so y'all better watch it and tell us how much you love it. It's a 855KB RealMedia file (is quite big but we thought what the heck), so mummy Jess will have to visit mummy Proo to watch it :P
:: 13Apr03 11:55 :: WOOSH! :: Howdy-ho everyone, how's things out there? It's Sunday morning (tho will be Sunday afternoon in a few minutes), BML Me be sleeping (hum, déjà-vu here) and Citz has just tidied room! *looks proudly to her mummies* Cuz yes, Citz & BML now have mummies as have been adopted by Proolaroo and Jessiepoo :) They're very caring mummies!
:: 12Apr03 15:05 :: MAD DRUNKEN ANTICS WITH BML ME :: *ahem* Hello from two mad eejits. Wanna see/hear some of what we've been up to? (not like you have much choice *muah-ha-ha*). Well first off there's this huuugely embarrassing picture... rather not have on here as strangers might consider us officially insane (while friends know we are, but apparently don't mind) so can click here to view. *giggle* Were very drunk. Is kinda stupid, but kinda cute too (is cuz has BML Mine). And Citz be fat :(
:: 11Apr03 04:25 :: HUMAN SUFFERING & WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT :: These past few days I have been seeing quite a lot of pictures of victims of the Iraq war here and there... more or less gory depending on where you look (from this to this depending on what you want, or think you can take)... and I know they are heart-wrenching, shocking and often literally sickening - and I also (as you know) totally condemn this war and get really worked up about what's going on... and still I couldn't help myself thinking about the kind/level of propaganda that is going on even there - or even, focussing less on the manipulative angle, the way we can get really really worked up about some injustice or suffering in the world just because it is being shoved in our faces.
:: 11Apr03 03:25 :: VIDEO UPDATE :: First ever video update of BML Me :: 10Apr03 11:45 :: HELLO, HOW BE? :: BML Me be sleeping - be CUTE when sleeping (well, be cute all the time really). But will soon have to be woken up methinks, as is more fun when awake. You know, kinda moves and talks more, which is always enjoyable. Very cute indeed.
:: 09Apr03 12:25 :: :: 08Apr03 13:55 :: ANNOUNCEMENTS :: Some updatey stuff... first off, I got a cute slave sign from Jess - weeeeee :D Thanks hun! *muah* Also, I sent two balcony pics to the "Balconies for Peace" site & they have been added, you can see them here. I will do my own page soon. I've added some test results on my Quizzes page (I'm 100% British, hehe), and I've updated the Pluggage section (scroll down & look left). OH & check the cute plane on the campic! *g* That's it :) :: 07Apr03 23:35 :: POST-BARCELONA :: Well now, Barcelona's over & we're on our flight back. It was a most agreeable trip, the weather being generally quite pleasant, albeit a little windy at times. We did see a great number of interesting sights though. I can claim I've enjoyed Barcelona, truly, though it will never come anywhere near Paris in fabulousness.
:: 03Apr03 23:35 :: MISSING :: Don't laugh at me, but I miss my guinea pigs. I keep wanting to talk to them, but they ain't there. BRING THEM BACK!!! *sigh* Anyway. I'm off to Barcelona tomorrow morning, for the week-end, back on Monday. Am taking my Psion, my mobile & all... so could go online if I wanted, but I think I'll manage without. The Net is boring and I can text Me BML anyway. Wow. I'll be offline, like, properly. First time since I visited Claire in July last year.
:: 03Apr03 13:35 :: ME ME ME!!! :: Hehe, talking about ME... how well do you think you know ME? Take the quiz here and find out! *g* This is really important! I mean, it's all about ME!!! :D :: 02Apr03 15:35 :: HOW UNUSUAL :: This morning I finally tidied the heaps of clothes I'd had on the floor for ages. All of them. Floor's all clean now. So just now I was gonna get dressed, went to the "clothing part" of my room... and was all disconcerted cuz there weren't any clothes! I'm used to just choosing & picking them up from the floor, and now there ain't none! I'm gonna have to look in the closets and all! God, all these adjustments that need to be made. Scary. |